How much does it cost?

As a guide, reckon on the following costs:

Naming ceremony: £220.-

Wedding ceremony: £500.-

Funeral ceremony: £220.-

This includes travel within 40 minutes drive of Alnwick.

We would agree a reasonable additional fee in advance for complex or particularly long ceremonies, and those further afield.

Which areas do I cover?

Northumberland and neighbouring counties are my usual area. I can travel further afield, too.

What is humanism?

For me it means living well and enjoying life, with respect for other people, living creatures and the environment, using reason, kindness, common-sense and science to define the ‘why?’ rather than religion or superstition. That said, I‘m not a machine: I still avoid walking under ladders, stepping on cracks in the pavement, and crack the bottom out of a boiled egg shell (stops the witches crossing, my mum assured me).

Humanism has a long history of progressive thought, petitioning, and action, for a kinder, fairer and more egalitarian society. Many notable entertainers and intellectuals identify as humanists and are members of Humanists UK, though most humanists are lesser-known folk.

Humanists UK uses the subtitle, “Think for yourself; act for everyone.” You can find out more about Humanists UK, its achievements and priorities, on their website here

Are humanist weddings recognised in law?

As the law currently stands, in England and Wales, only a church wedding or civil wedding are recognised in law. In Scotland and Northern Ireland humanist weddings are legally binding. This means that the wedding of your dreams (the humanist wedding part) would need also need to be preceded or followed by a visit to a registry office for a marriage certificate (typically £55.)

There are ongoing petitions to parliament to have weddings conducted by trained celebrants also recognised in law. Watch this space. You can find the latest on progress in this area on the Humanists UK website here